As Silicon Valley has waded into financial services recently, a wave of venture-backed “Robo-Advisor” firms has started to attract client assets. Marketed as simple, easy-to-use and inexpensive, the robo-advisor model has two critical shortcomings, which will wreak havoc on their clients’ portfolios going forward.
Read MoreThe Third Alpha Source
There are three sources from which skill- (or luck-) based returns can be captured: security selection, tactical allocation, and strategic allocation. While upwards of 90% of the industry is focused on security selection, the other approaches are waiting to be exploited.
Read MoreAlpha vs. Capacity
Alpha generation is clearly negatively correlated with assets under management.
Read MoreNew Long-Credit / Hedged-Rates Products Hazardous
Products have recently been created which generate income but hedge off interest rate exposure with short positions in treasuries or similarly high quality securities. This is a disaster waiting to happen.
Read MoreMulti-Strategy Mutual Funds - What's the Point?
If positive alpha, non-correlated return streams are good things in multi-strategy hedge funds, shouldn’t those benefits translate to the new liquid-alts models in mutual fund formats? Sadly, they do not.
Read MoreAuction Rates Reincarnate
The proliferation of ETFs has certainly increased access and liquidity in many markets, including stocks, bonds and precious metals. This proliferation has also created a liquidity trap.
Read MoreDumb Beta Picks on Smart Beta, Underperforms
Smart Beta strategies are on the rise, and despite the name and the naysayers, investors would be well served to consider them.
Read MoreThat isn't Diversification - Part 2
The big problem facing retail portfolios is that they are bogged down by capital-intensive, lower-risk funds that drain additional capacity which could be allocated to investments that diversify at an asset allocation level.
Read MoreThat isn't Diversification - Part 1
Asset managers who exceed the 30-stock count, the point at which the vast majority of diversification’s benefit has been implemented, begin to trend more and more toward being closet indexers. There is nothing worse than what is tantamount to a passive strategy charging active management fees. Perhaps surprisingly, investors are to blame for this.
Read MoreA Tale of Two Alphas: Investment Selection vs. Opportunistic
All investors benefit from increased alpha, and reallocating some of the focus from investment selection alpha to opportunistic alpha could have a significant, positive impact on portfolios.
Read MoreAre Your Portfolios Antifragile?
Many investors think being Robust to volatility is the best they can do, and position accordingly. Introducing them to the concept of Antifragility could change their minds, and improve their outcomes.
Read MoreDollar Cost Averaging for the Fully Invested
Intra-portfolio dollar cost averaging is the only way a fully invested portfolio can earn more than the sum of its parts.
Read MoreVolatility is your 401(k)'s Friend
Common industry knowledge tells us that volatility is bad, something that needs to be justified by returns. When you are implementing a DCA strategy, however, volatility is objectively a good thing – and the more the merrier.
Read MoreJack Bogle's Con
"74% of active managers underperformed their index" is a very misleading statement...
Read MoreHedge Funds ≠ Long Volatility
The notion that hedge funds are just expensive ways to generate simple long volatility exposures is wrong, and here's why...
Read MoreThere's nothing Standard about these Deviations
The false assumption that investment returns are normally distributed can lead to disappointing results -- considering upside and downside volatility independently can help...
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